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will & ford 2025
Authentic Advocacy
Networking Know-How
Diligent Discipleship
Our vision is…
To authentically advocate for students before faculty, staff, and the ABA. We will bring the networking know-how we gained from Capitol Hill and Virginia Supreme Court to help get you internships and jobs. And ultimately, to encourage and help facilitate a culture of discipleship that will endure beyond graduation.
More on all of these points below!
Will & Ford are dedicated to advocating for students. SBA can, and should, be more than a suggestion box. It should be an organization dedicated to galvanizing support for student causes and concerns.
Though we cannot promise results, we can promise our best.
“People don’t care how much you know, till they know how much you care.” —John Maxwell
Will began networking at 14 years old. At 18, he networked his way onto Capitol Hill. At 21 he’s here in law school. How? Relationships.
Relationships are the key to personal and professional success.
Ford networked his way onto the Virginia Supreme Court last summer. We want to share these lessons with our student body to promote a culture of success.
In our first conversation, Ford and I talked about the cost of discipleship. Our conclusion was this:
The cost of discipleship is everything and nothing.
It will cost us everything of worldly value, but nothing in comparison to Christ.
We believe Liberty Law has the potential to build a culture of discipleship that will forge connections and relationships within the Body of Christ, that will last long after the last of us has returned to our homes.
our song!
Check out our Campaign Song! Written and composed by Clyde Kelly! (Winner of the People’s Choice Award for the 2024 Talent Show).
Clyde offered to give a helping hand with the campaign, but ended up giving us the Ballad of Blankschaen! WARNING: This song has been found to get stuck in people’s heads.
their story
120 feet. That’s how far their dorms were in undergrad. But never once had they met before Liberty Law.
Shockingly, one of Ford’s best friends was one of the most impactful people on Will’s life. Guess you are who you hang out with, because Ford has also managed to inspire and encourage Will, and vice versa.
It was a match made for Law School. But, best told from their perspectives.
Third place. That’s how I thought of it anyway. I was third of six kids. Two older sisters, three baby brothers. One friend and eighteen cousins.
One Christmas, we unwrapped our presents: A can of Coke and Cereal. It was all we could afford. But my parents taught us faith was bigger than what we could see. We needed those lessons to get through what God had planned.
At fourteen, I lost my best friend. He loved the Lord, but it was hard. Three years later, my oldest sister was gone too. My uncle was euthanized while I worked in D.C. That Fall, I proposed to my girlfriend, and a year later she was engaged to someone else.
Life is filled with meeting and partings. God is Sovereign. He is a loving father, not a neglectful one. He works all things together for Good for those whom he’s purposed. I can say: Its true.
At the lowest point of my life, I went to Law School. You, the student body, and your many wonderful stories, reminded me of God’s kindness, mercy, goodness, and, above all, patience over the past two years.
From 3L’s in ADR and Street Law, to 2L’s in our many classes, escapades, and adversities, to the 1L’s who embody a spirit of counting all things as joy, you each have played an integral part in my life.
Ford Fox is a man who has made it his ambition to lead a quite life. He cares for you all deeply. We both look forward to serving you this next year, whether as President and VP, or as your friends.
I’m from Southampton County, Virginia.
You’ve probably never heard of it, except from me. But that’s ok! I prefer it that way. I learned to drive at eleven, cleaned grain bins, planted peanuts, and dug ditches.
I reckon that lifestyle sounds pretty romanticized, but its hard work. When I went to Liberty I did not expect to be here this long. I graduated, same year as Will, but thought I was done.
Imagine my surprise when my sister, Olivia Fox, got a job at Liberty School of Law! It was one of the first time I seriously thought about Law School. In early July, I applied.
And good garden peas! They accepted me! I thought Law School might be a semester, I’d flunk out, and go back to Southampton.
Somehow, I got on the Dean’s List, then Law Review. For a quick experience, it turned into a whole adventure. Last Summer I got to work with Chief Justice Goodwin of the Virginia Supreme Court.
But my heart is still firmly rooted in Southampton. I don’t plan to change the world. I just hope to help my classmates however I can while I’m here.
Will likes to say, “Where you are is where you’re called.” So long as I’m here, I want to continue connecting and growing with each of you.
As Vice President I will be leading the Mentorship program, and tailoring it to promote discipleship and cohesion between the classes.
Student government of the students
Connect with us
Interested in connecting with us before the election? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly! We can’t wait to hear from you!
If you want to connect faster, Will’s personal cell is
(Just text your first and last name when you reach out!)